About Us
Place of Progress sis registered with OfSTED to provide accommodation based services for Children Looked After and Care Leavers. Our staff have a genuine sense of purpose and are passionate about improving the outcomes of individuals accessing our services.
With years of professional experience within the Social Care sector, we are determined to offer the highest standard of support and assist our children and young people to achieve outcomes that are positive and sustainable in the long term.
We offer the following services for Children Looked After and Care Leavers, who may be experiencing complex trauma and additional support needs such as substance use, offending behaviour and mental health issues.
16+ support and accommodation for Children Looked After aged 16 and 17 years old, staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
18+ shared accommodation with support provided on a floating support basis.​
We have high aspirations for the young people we support and approach our work in a way that reduces the occurrence of re-traumatisation, integrating a trauma informed approach into our policies, procedures and practice.
Our highly experienced and skilled teams consist of dedicated Operations Managers, Support & Youth Workers and we work closely with partner agencies and stakeholders to ensure all support needs are met.